There is a lot more to becoming successful in internet marketing than merely reading an ebook or purchasing a turnkey website solution. It is necessary to absolutely understand the matrix of searchers and search providers such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. The search engines have many and varied requirements which need to be met before your website or PPC advertising will be successful. Affiliate marketers who simply put up a site or blog with information and an affiliate link imbedded will not be rewarded with a plance on the front pages of the search engines and that spells near certain death to any website. Tens of thousands of websites sit in obscurity each day in the boondocks of search engine land never to be found by a visitor with money to spend.
There is an old saying which goes "if it seems to be too good to be true - it probably is" and this applies very much to online marketing. Too good to be true products which offer thousands of dollars per day with the click of a mouse or while you sleep are not realistic. Certainly many internet marketers make an excellent living, many make millions of dollars each year and others are on the path to financial independance thanks to their internet marketing efforts. However, the vast majority of these people, if not all of them have spent many hundreds of hours learning their craft. They did not simply open a box or download a course and have money come flooding into their bank accounts overnight.
Learning internet marketing is like learning any new skill. It requires patience and application. Many newbie or wannabe online marketers fall by the wayside as the complexities and frustrations get the better of them - those who perservere and succeed are well placed to continue leading the pack if they keep on top of industry changes and adapt accordingly. The industry is coming under increasing scrutiny by Government bodies such as the FTC and this is good news for consumers and also for those marketers treat marketing as a profession not a get rich quick scheme.
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